My DSN Impact Story


by Taiwo Ajagunsegun

My name is Taiwo Ajagunsegun, a member of AI+ FUTA Community. I was introduced to Data Science in March 2019 at the AI Invasion Bootcamp organised by Data Science Nigeria in my school. It was a remarkable experience for me because we (the participants) were taught the basic things we needed to start a career in Data Science.
What touched me the most is that despite the values shared during the bootcamp, it was free of charge.

After the bootcamp, we (the participants) had the opportunity to receive HD videos on Data Science and Machine Learning training from the knowledge box and also had community support to advance and continue learning.

After watching some videos, I felt I was competent enough to start taking up projects. I immediately created a Kaggle account and enrolled for some hackathons but I couldn’t do so much because I was overwhelmed by the high dimensionality of the Kaggle datasets.

In March 2020, AI+ FUTA Community started a series of training via WhatsApp platform of which I joined. The training delivered a lot of value and really helped me develop confidence. After each class, we were given assignments which served as a prerequisite to the next class. I gave 100% commitment to all of these activities which really helped me.

In preparation for the 70-day PreBootcamp training, we had an in-class hackathon on kaggle of which I ended 6th position on the leaderboard.
The 70-day PreBootcamp training organised by Data Science Nigeria was very thorough yet truly helpful in my journey. I participated in the PreBootcamp hackathon on Zindi and I was among the top 250 that qualified for the 2020 AI Virtual Bootcamp. This was a big accomplishment for me.

The knowledge I gained at the 2020 AI Virtual Bootcamp is beyond what words can express. I am truly grateful to Dr. Bayo Adekanmbi and the entire Data Science Nigeria Crew for the good work they are doing.

I am very happy to be a part of the Data Science Nigeria Community and committed to the vision of raising one million AI talents in ten years.

Thank you and God bless Data Science Nigeria.

