DSN — A Place I Can Call Home


A Life Worth Living With Data Science by Abideen Opeyemi Bello

In 2018, I heard of Data Science Nigeria through Lautech Data Science Community, and I happened to qualify for the 2018 Bootcamp then; eventually, I qualified for the Bootcamp by a thin thread. Getting to the Bootcamp, I learned a lot and also met students/folks from different walks of life. My experience from the 2018 Bootcamp triggered a charge in me never to relent on the path to be successful in life.
Down the lane…

Data Science Nigeria always came through for me ever since I left the 2018 Bootcamp. There are numerous opportunities that came my way through DSN and am grateful for that. I will highlight most of my achievement with Data Science Nigeria just in the Space of three years

Ever since I left the 2018 DSN Bootcamp, I achieved the following:
● My team came first at the Kingdom Hackathon in 2018 shortly after the DSN Bootcamp
● My team came second at the Access Bank DataHack in 2019 shortly after the DSN Bootcamp 2019
● I represented DSN at Data Science Africa summer school in 2019 and with an allexpense-paid trip.
● I interned at DSN in 2019 and got the opportunity to work with the top industry expert in the country
● After I Left DSN in 2019, I have work with 3 different companies in the US and still serving as the Junior Data Scientist at InfoSecAddicts

All thanks to the DSN team for helping my life to this stage, I appreciate all you’ve done and what you’re still doing.

Godspeed as you attain Greater things.

Love You Always DSN

