Bootcamp journey


by Muhammad King Yakub

I started out as a beginner in python programming, I always wonder and think about what I can do with programming. I consulted a senior colleague of mine about this and he explained to me about Data Science and Artificial Intelligence. It was awesome to me and I told him I was interested , he gave me a book to read about the history of Artificial Intelligence and it made me fall in love with this and I decided choosing a career path as a data scientist. Although I was energetic and enthusiastic, I wasn’t really sure where to begin, my senior colleague introduced me to Data Science Nigeria and shared his bootcamp experience with me. The experience was great and served as motivation. We decided we would be going to next year’s bootcamp (2020) together. So I thought to myself this is a good start towards my career in Data science.

Then I started working towards this. My Journey started February 2020, as a novice in programming and data science, my goal this year is to qualify for the 2020 DSN AI Bootcamp. I joined the 70 Days of ML classes, although it was virtual, it was really exciting and I also took some other courses in preparation for the September Competition. Finally September was here and I joined the competition. The entire experience was really rich in learning even though it was a competition, I learned a lot and had a chance to practice what I learnt during this competition. I was so excited that my effort really paid off and not only did I qualify for the competition I finished top 100 which earned me a 6 months data camp subscription of which I can learn more. This lit up my hope, if in 6 months I can at least stand a chance in the DSN competition then if I continue in this path, I can surely find success.

At the DSN Bootcamp event, it was motivating and even inspiring. Listening to the likes of Dr Adebayo, Dr Odabio and other professionals and experts from around the world. I look and see myself doing great things in the future. I learned, I was motivated, I was inspired, I finally see my data science career becoming a reality. I thank the DSN for the organising such an event. I wouldn’t have pushed myself so hard if I didn’t have a target of attending the bootcamp and really the hard work made me see how bright the future can be.

Thank you DSN

And to my senior colleague and mentor Abdulqadr Afolabi, Thank you
In all it was thanks and all praises are for the Almighty

